

Adjustment measure 01

Regional warning and information system for natural hazards

What’s planned?

A regional warning and information system for natural hazards is to be set up, which is intended to better support the emergency services in their work and preparation. The data and information are provided as a so-called environmental bulletin by ZAMG and include:

  • Impact-oriented bulletin on severe weather potential for the region
    Time intervals: this morning – this afternoon – night – tomorrow morning
  • Output time: daily, early morning
  • Avalanche forecast report
  • Acute warning of thunderstorms
  • Parameters: Thunderstorm (heavy rain, hail, storm), heavy rain (extensive), storm (extensive), ice (extensive, freezing rain, fresh snow), avalanche warning level from the currently valid

What has already happened?

The regional warning and information system has been available to the regional emergency and alpine organizations as well as the public administration since August 15th, 2022, so they receive a storm bulletin once a day (another time if the situation worsens) where the storm probability for the region is shown becomes.

This regional warning and information system will be used by KLAR! Nature and Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen financed, evaluated and constantly updated.

In the run-up to the event, there was a presentation for the participating operational and alpine organizations in the region.

The daily updated storm reports can be viewed at At the bottom of the web page is a description of how to read the severe weather report correctly. If you have any questions, please call Martin Gebeshuber 0664/1338236.

Wie lese ich das Unwetterbulletin richtig?

Unwetterwarnung Erklaert

Here is the daily storm bulletin: 

This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is part of the KLAR! – Climate Change Adaptation Model Region

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